Northland Cruise
Updated 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago
Embarque em uma aventura de cruzeiro de 11 dias em Northland, partindo de Bergen e seguindo para Trondheim a bordo do navio Havila Polaris. Durante sua jornada, você terá a oportunidade de explorar diversos destinos cativantes na Noruega.
Havila Polaris Cruise
Updated 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago
Embark on a 7-day cruise adventure in Northland, setting sail from Bergen and making your way to Kirkenes aboard the Havila Polaris ship. During your journey, you`ll have the opportunity to explore various captivating destinations in Norway.
Havila Castor Cruise
Updated 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago
Embark on a 7-day cruise adventure in Northland, sailing from Bergen to Kirkenes aboard the Havila Castor ship. Discover captivating destinations in Norway along the way.
Havila Pollux Northland Cruise
Updated 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago
Embark on a 7-day cruise adventure in Northland, setting sail from Bergen and making your way to Kirkenes aboard the Havila Pollux ship. During your journey, you`ll have the opportunity to explore various captivating destinations in Norway.