Updated 1 year ago
Arctic Cruise Reykjavik to New York
Arctic Cruise Reykjavik to New York
About this cruise
Embark on a 17-day Arctic cruise starting from Reykjavik and ending in New York aboard the Silver Endeavour ship. Explore captivating destinations in Iceland, Greenland, Denmark, Canada, and the USA.
Day 2: Sea day.
Day 3: Tasiilaq (Ammassalik), Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 18:00. Duration of port stay: 11 hours 30 minutes. Tasiilaq ist eine lebendige und malerische Stadt in Ammassalik, Grönland. Umgeben von üppigen Bergen und eisgefüllten Fjorden, ist die atemberaubende natürliche Schönheit von Tasiilaq ein Anblick, der es wert ist, gesehen zu werden. Die Stadt beherbergt eine eng verbundene Gemeinschaft, die ihre inuitische Herkunft bewahrt und Besuchern einen Einblick in ihre reiche Kultur und Traditionen bietet. Mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung aus atemberaubenden Landschaften und gastfreundlichen Einheimischen ist Tasiilaq eine Destination, die die Herzen aller Besucher wirklich erobert.
Day 4: Skjoldungen Fjord, Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 16:00. Duration of port stay: 9 hours 30 minutes. Skjoldungen Fjord in Grönland ist eine atemberaubende Stadt, die von malerischen Fjorden und atemberaubenden Landschaften umgeben ist. Mit seinem kristallklaren Wasser und den majestätischen Bergen bietet es eine perfekte Kulisse für Outdoor-Enthusiasten, um zu erkunden und Aktivitäten wie Wandern, Kajakfahren und Wildlife-Spotting zu betreiben. Die Stadt beeindruckt auch mit ihrer reichen Kultur und Geschichte und ist somit ein faszinierendes Reiseziel für Reisende, die nach einer einzigartigen und authentischen Erfahrung suchen.
Day 5: Sea day.
Day 6: Prinz Christian Sund, Greenland. Arrival time: 07:00. The strait in the south of the country separates Greenland from the offshore island groups. The strait is 100 kilometers long and connects the Labrador Sea in the west with the Irminger Sea in the east.
Day 6: Aappilattoq (South Greenl), Greenland. Arrival time: 12:30. Departure time: 18:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Aappilattoq is a small coastal village in southern Greenland, located in the Kujalleq municipality. Surrounded by breathtaking fjords and majestic mountains, the city offers stunning natural landscapes for visitors to explore. The village is known for its traditional Inuit culture and way of life, with fishing and hunting being important economic activities. Aappilattoq provides a peaceful and picturesque setting for those seeking a tranquil escape in the heart of Greenland.
Day 7: Nanortalik, Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 11:30. Duration of port stay: 5 hours. The special wildlife of Nanortalik fascinates visitors who come to visit this northern settlement. Whales and seals frolic in the waters around Nanortalik, and on land, you can observe Arctic foxes, sea eagles, and some rare birds. The glacier-covered granite mountains in the hinterland rise up to 2000 meters and give the landscape its legendary appearance.
Day 7: Uunartoq, Greenland. Arrival time: 14:30. Departure time: 20:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Located in the south of Greenland, Uuunartoq Island is famous for its three hot springs. The temperatures in the natural pools range from 31 to 37 degrees Celsius, making the springs popular destinations for visitors to the south of Greenland. The Inuit ruins are also a popular attraction.
Day 8: Qaqortoq (Julianehåb), Greenland. Arrival time: 07:00. Departure time: 13:00. Duration of port stay: 6 hours. Qaqortoq is the largest city in southern Greenland. Today, its 3,490 inhabitants live in a modern environment. Several schools, factories, and shops provide employment for Qaqortoq`s residents. Additionally, the city is home to the only company in Greenland that produces and mostly sells clothing made from seal fur. Near the market square, visitors can explore the old missionary buildings, which now serve as a museum. Another unique feature of Qaqortoq is the painted rock and granite walls, as well as numerous stone sculptures displayed throughout the streets.
Day 8: Hvalsey, Greenland. Arrival time: 14:30. Departure time: 19:00. Duration of port stay: 4 hours 30 minutes. Hvalsey is located on the west coast of Greenland. Today, you can find a remotely situated church ruin there, a well-preserved structure from the time when the Vikings settled Greenland.
Day 9 - 10: Sea day.
Day 11: St. Anthony (Newfoundland), Canada. Arrival time: 06:00. Departure time: 12:00. Duration of port stay: 6 hours. Located in the northernmost part of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, St. Anthony is nestled between numerous lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. The harbor city features a variety of typical local houses and offers several museums.
Day 11: L`Anse aux Meadows (Newfoundland), Canada. Arrival time: 15:00. Departure time: 17:30. Duration of port stay: 2 hours 30 minutes. Located at the northern tip of Newfoundland is the town of L`Anse aux Meadows. Archaeologists discovered through excavations that there was a Scandinavian settlement at the site dating back approximately 1000 years. This settlement is mostly attributed to the Vikings and is the only proven Scandinavian settlement in North America. Nowadays, there is a visitor center and two reconstructed cabins to explore.
Day 12: Sea day.
Day 13: Magdalene Islands (Quebec), Canada. Arrival time: 08:30. Departure time: 13:30. Duration of port stay: 5 hours. Magdalen Islands ist eine malerische Stadt in Quebec, Kanada. Umgeben von dem atemberaubenden Golf von St. Lawrence, bietet sie schöne Sandstrände, zerklüftete Klippen und charmante Fischerdörfer. Die Stadt ist für ihre lebendige Kultur, köstlichen Meeresfrüchte und Möglichkeiten für Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Angeln, Bootfahren und Wandern bekannt. Mit ihrer atemberaubenden natürlichen Schönheit und herzlichen Gastfreundschaft ist Magdalen Islands ein Muss für Naturliebhaber und diejenigen, die einen friedlichen Urlaub suchen.
Day 14: Sable Island (Nova Scotia), Canada. Arrival time: 08:30. Departure time: 14:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Sable Island ist eine abgelegene Insel vor der Küste von Nova Scotia, Kanada. Sie ist bekannt für ihre ausgedehnten Sandstrände und ihr einzigartiges Ökosystem, zu dem auch die berühmten wilden Pferde gehören, die frei auf der Insel herumwandern. Ohne ständige menschliche Bevölkerung besitzt Sable Island eine unberührte und natürliche Schönheit, die Naturfreunde und Tierliebhaber aus der ganzen Welt anzieht.
Day 15: Yarmouth (Nova Scotia), Canada. Arrival time: 12:00. Departure time: 19:00. Duration of port stay: 7 hours. Yarmouth ist eine charmante Küstenstadt in Nova Scotia, Kanada. Sie ist bekannt für ihre reiche Seefahrergeschichte und lebhafte Kulturszene. Mit ihrem malerischen Hafen, historischer Architektur und freundlichen Gemeinschaft bietet Yarmouth eine gelungene Mischung aus natürlicher Schönheit und Kleinstadtcharme. Besucher können das Yarmouth County Museum erkunden, um mehr über die Vergangenheit der Stadt zu erfahren, oder die wunderschönen Strände und die malerischen Küstenlandschaften genießen. Ob Sie sich für Geschichte, Outdoor-Abenteuer oder einfach nur Entspannen am Meer interessieren, Yarmouth hat für jeden etwas zu bieten.
Day 16: Cape Cod Canal, USA. Arrival time: 11:15. Departure time: 12:45. Duration of port stay: 1 hours 30 minutes. The Cape Cod Canal is located in southeastern Massachusetts. It was built in 1914 to facilitate passage from Cape Cod Bay to Buzzards Bay. The elongated Cape Cod peninsula was separated from the mainland for this purpose.
Day 17: New York (New York), USA. Arrival time: 06:00. New York - the huge, vibrant city on the Hudson River and the secret capital of the world - is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating cities in the USA. Around 12 million inhabitants from all corners of the world call New York their home. The city is divided into five boroughs, with Manhattan being the heart of the city and also the most famous district. When thinking of New York, most travelers immediately associate it with Wall Street and Broadway, the Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue and the numerous museums, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. All of this can be found in New York City, even within the "small" borough of Manhattan. "The Big Apple," as the city is also called, is a melting pot of culture and nationalities, of the poor and the rich, the epitome of contrasts. Often sung about and described, New York is a city of constant change. It is a center of economy, art, and architecture, experienced differently by each of the over 25 million visitors it attracts annually.
Cabin Prices
The cruise price at the top of the page (16.050€) is listed for the accommodation of one person in a double cabin. To get the total cabin cost, multiply this price by two. All subsequent prices are listed for the entire cabin and do not require additional multiplication.
All prices presented on this website are approximate and do not constitute a public offer. For precise price information, please contact the service provider.
Single Cabin Price
Cruise Date | Interior Cabin | Ocean View Cabin | Balcony Cabin | Suite |
19/09/2024 - 05/10/2024 | - | - | - | 28.090€ |
19/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 | - | - | - | 28.730€ |
Double Cabin Price
Cruise Date | Interior Cabin | Ocean View Cabin | Balcony Cabin | Suite |
19/09/2024 - 05/10/2024 | - | - | - | 32.100€ |
19/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 | - | - | - | 33.380€ |
Cabin Price for Two Adults with One Child
Cruise Date | Interior Cabin | Ocean View Cabin | Balcony Cabin | Suite |
19/09/2024 - 05/10/2024 | - | - | - | 32.100€ |
19/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 | - | - | - | 33.390€ |
Cabin Price for Two Adults with Two Children
Cruise Date | Interior Cabin | Ocean View Cabin | Balcony Cabin | Suite |
19/09/2024 - 05/10/2024 | - | - | - | 32.100€ |
19/09/2024 - 06/10/2024 | - | - | - | 33.380€ |
Cruise Route
Day 1: Reykjavik, Iceland. Departure time: 19:00. Reykjavik, the commercial and cultural center of Iceland on the southwest coast of the island, was named after the famous hot springs of Laugardalur, which means "smoking bay". Today, it has about 130,000 inhabitants, which is about 1/3 of the total population. The capital of Iceland offers a wealth of sights. A stroll through the old town leads to the main shopping street Laugavegur and the pedestrian zone, past the historic reception house Höfdi House, where Reagan and Gorbachev met in 1986, to the modern Hallgrimskirkja Church, whose view from the tower offers the best view of the city. On the traces of Icelandic history, you can admire many archaeological finds and relics from the Viking Age in the National Museum, and art enthusiasts can also visit the Einar Jonsson Museum with its sculpture garden.Day 2: Sea day.
Day 3: Tasiilaq (Ammassalik), Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 18:00. Duration of port stay: 11 hours 30 minutes. Tasiilaq ist eine lebendige und malerische Stadt in Ammassalik, Grönland. Umgeben von üppigen Bergen und eisgefüllten Fjorden, ist die atemberaubende natürliche Schönheit von Tasiilaq ein Anblick, der es wert ist, gesehen zu werden. Die Stadt beherbergt eine eng verbundene Gemeinschaft, die ihre inuitische Herkunft bewahrt und Besuchern einen Einblick in ihre reiche Kultur und Traditionen bietet. Mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung aus atemberaubenden Landschaften und gastfreundlichen Einheimischen ist Tasiilaq eine Destination, die die Herzen aller Besucher wirklich erobert.
Day 4: Skjoldungen Fjord, Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 16:00. Duration of port stay: 9 hours 30 minutes. Skjoldungen Fjord in Grönland ist eine atemberaubende Stadt, die von malerischen Fjorden und atemberaubenden Landschaften umgeben ist. Mit seinem kristallklaren Wasser und den majestätischen Bergen bietet es eine perfekte Kulisse für Outdoor-Enthusiasten, um zu erkunden und Aktivitäten wie Wandern, Kajakfahren und Wildlife-Spotting zu betreiben. Die Stadt beeindruckt auch mit ihrer reichen Kultur und Geschichte und ist somit ein faszinierendes Reiseziel für Reisende, die nach einer einzigartigen und authentischen Erfahrung suchen.
Day 5: Sea day.
Day 6: Prinz Christian Sund, Greenland. Arrival time: 07:00. The strait in the south of the country separates Greenland from the offshore island groups. The strait is 100 kilometers long and connects the Labrador Sea in the west with the Irminger Sea in the east.
Day 6: Aappilattoq (South Greenl), Greenland. Arrival time: 12:30. Departure time: 18:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Aappilattoq is a small coastal village in southern Greenland, located in the Kujalleq municipality. Surrounded by breathtaking fjords and majestic mountains, the city offers stunning natural landscapes for visitors to explore. The village is known for its traditional Inuit culture and way of life, with fishing and hunting being important economic activities. Aappilattoq provides a peaceful and picturesque setting for those seeking a tranquil escape in the heart of Greenland.
Day 7: Nanortalik, Greenland. Arrival time: 06:30. Departure time: 11:30. Duration of port stay: 5 hours. The special wildlife of Nanortalik fascinates visitors who come to visit this northern settlement. Whales and seals frolic in the waters around Nanortalik, and on land, you can observe Arctic foxes, sea eagles, and some rare birds. The glacier-covered granite mountains in the hinterland rise up to 2000 meters and give the landscape its legendary appearance.
Day 7: Uunartoq, Greenland. Arrival time: 14:30. Departure time: 20:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Located in the south of Greenland, Uuunartoq Island is famous for its three hot springs. The temperatures in the natural pools range from 31 to 37 degrees Celsius, making the springs popular destinations for visitors to the south of Greenland. The Inuit ruins are also a popular attraction.
Day 8: Qaqortoq (Julianehåb), Greenland. Arrival time: 07:00. Departure time: 13:00. Duration of port stay: 6 hours. Qaqortoq is the largest city in southern Greenland. Today, its 3,490 inhabitants live in a modern environment. Several schools, factories, and shops provide employment for Qaqortoq`s residents. Additionally, the city is home to the only company in Greenland that produces and mostly sells clothing made from seal fur. Near the market square, visitors can explore the old missionary buildings, which now serve as a museum. Another unique feature of Qaqortoq is the painted rock and granite walls, as well as numerous stone sculptures displayed throughout the streets.
Day 8: Hvalsey, Greenland. Arrival time: 14:30. Departure time: 19:00. Duration of port stay: 4 hours 30 minutes. Hvalsey is located on the west coast of Greenland. Today, you can find a remotely situated church ruin there, a well-preserved structure from the time when the Vikings settled Greenland.
Day 9 - 10: Sea day.
Day 11: St. Anthony (Newfoundland), Canada. Arrival time: 06:00. Departure time: 12:00. Duration of port stay: 6 hours. Located in the northernmost part of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, St. Anthony is nestled between numerous lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. The harbor city features a variety of typical local houses and offers several museums.
Day 11: L`Anse aux Meadows (Newfoundland), Canada. Arrival time: 15:00. Departure time: 17:30. Duration of port stay: 2 hours 30 minutes. Located at the northern tip of Newfoundland is the town of L`Anse aux Meadows. Archaeologists discovered through excavations that there was a Scandinavian settlement at the site dating back approximately 1000 years. This settlement is mostly attributed to the Vikings and is the only proven Scandinavian settlement in North America. Nowadays, there is a visitor center and two reconstructed cabins to explore.
Day 12: Sea day.
Day 13: Magdalene Islands (Quebec), Canada. Arrival time: 08:30. Departure time: 13:30. Duration of port stay: 5 hours. Magdalen Islands ist eine malerische Stadt in Quebec, Kanada. Umgeben von dem atemberaubenden Golf von St. Lawrence, bietet sie schöne Sandstrände, zerklüftete Klippen und charmante Fischerdörfer. Die Stadt ist für ihre lebendige Kultur, köstlichen Meeresfrüchte und Möglichkeiten für Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Angeln, Bootfahren und Wandern bekannt. Mit ihrer atemberaubenden natürlichen Schönheit und herzlichen Gastfreundschaft ist Magdalen Islands ein Muss für Naturliebhaber und diejenigen, die einen friedlichen Urlaub suchen.
Day 14: Sable Island (Nova Scotia), Canada. Arrival time: 08:30. Departure time: 14:00. Duration of port stay: 5 hours 30 minutes. Sable Island ist eine abgelegene Insel vor der Küste von Nova Scotia, Kanada. Sie ist bekannt für ihre ausgedehnten Sandstrände und ihr einzigartiges Ökosystem, zu dem auch die berühmten wilden Pferde gehören, die frei auf der Insel herumwandern. Ohne ständige menschliche Bevölkerung besitzt Sable Island eine unberührte und natürliche Schönheit, die Naturfreunde und Tierliebhaber aus der ganzen Welt anzieht.
Day 15: Yarmouth (Nova Scotia), Canada. Arrival time: 12:00. Departure time: 19:00. Duration of port stay: 7 hours. Yarmouth ist eine charmante Küstenstadt in Nova Scotia, Kanada. Sie ist bekannt für ihre reiche Seefahrergeschichte und lebhafte Kulturszene. Mit ihrem malerischen Hafen, historischer Architektur und freundlichen Gemeinschaft bietet Yarmouth eine gelungene Mischung aus natürlicher Schönheit und Kleinstadtcharme. Besucher können das Yarmouth County Museum erkunden, um mehr über die Vergangenheit der Stadt zu erfahren, oder die wunderschönen Strände und die malerischen Küstenlandschaften genießen. Ob Sie sich für Geschichte, Outdoor-Abenteuer oder einfach nur Entspannen am Meer interessieren, Yarmouth hat für jeden etwas zu bieten.
Day 16: Cape Cod Canal, USA. Arrival time: 11:15. Departure time: 12:45. Duration of port stay: 1 hours 30 minutes. The Cape Cod Canal is located in southeastern Massachusetts. It was built in 1914 to facilitate passage from Cape Cod Bay to Buzzards Bay. The elongated Cape Cod peninsula was separated from the mainland for this purpose.
Day 17: New York (New York), USA. Arrival time: 06:00. New York - the huge, vibrant city on the Hudson River and the secret capital of the world - is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating cities in the USA. Around 12 million inhabitants from all corners of the world call New York their home. The city is divided into five boroughs, with Manhattan being the heart of the city and also the most famous district. When thinking of New York, most travelers immediately associate it with Wall Street and Broadway, the Empire State Building, Fifth Avenue and the numerous museums, Central Park and the Statue of Liberty. All of this can be found in New York City, even within the "small" borough of Manhattan. "The Big Apple," as the city is also called, is a melting pot of culture and nationalities, of the poor and the rich, the epitome of contrasts. Often sung about and described, New York is a city of constant change. It is a center of economy, art, and architecture, experienced differently by each of the over 25 million visitors it attracts annually.